Participation and Digital Technologies: To what extent do digital technologies contribute to the participation of people affected by crises?

Faou, M.
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2023
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Participation, Emerging IM technologies, Engaging with affected populations, humanitarian action
Groupe URD

Digital technologies mainly arrived in the humanitarian sector around 10 years ago, at about the same time that the ‘digital revolution’ was taking place globally. Their introduction into humanitarian operations has had a significant impact on practice. They have brought new possibilities in relation to crisis prevention and response, and in relation to the mobilisation of resources (financial, logistical and human) both among humanitarian actors and affected populations. But what impact have digital technologies had on participation? To what extent have they contributed to the participation of affected people in humanitarian projects? This study aims to shed light on the relationship between crisis-affected people’s participation and the use of digital technologies in crisis contexts. It is principally based on a literature review and interviews with people who work in the aid sector, principally from international aid NGOs. 

This document is a summary of the key messages, available in English. The full report is available in French only. See recommended resources below.